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Why we left New York State
The short answer can be found in Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,...
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Why are drive-in restaurants ok? But drive-in church services aren’t?
Will one of our most cherished freedoms, religious freedom, be a casualty of Covid-19? By now, most of you have heard of the “drive-in...
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How are all the “little gods” faring?
Remember, the very first commandment? “Thou shalt have NO other gods before me; for I am a jealous God!” Some believe them to be the “Ten...
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Where Do You Want to Designate Your Gift?
FletcherBrothersMinistries Is the umbrella ministry 501c3, tax deductible entity under which the following DBA’s (doing business as)...
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Beware! It is dangerous to label God “non-essential!”
I am sure, somewhere along the line, you have heard that “the only thing man ever learns from history, is that man never learns from...
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We don’t have a “skin” problem We have a “sin” problem!
There are only two forces that work in this world---the forces of God and the forces of our arch enemy the Devil. Each and every thing...
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How did we get here? Is there a way out?
The simple answer to the first question is: A. We forgot God. B. We let go of His hand. C. We kicked Him out of our schools and any one...
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By God’s grace and with His help we will get through this---but what comes after?
Romans 8:18 says, “For I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worth to be compared with the joys that will be revealed in...
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