Dr. Fletcher A. Brothers
Born in Carthage, New York March 8, 1948 - on the very day the Supreme Court of the United States ruled there could be no further direct teaching about God in our public schools. The son of Pastor and Mrs. Rae L. Brothers (both in heaven today) he describes himself as a “PK prodigal!” Since coming to Christ in his early twenties Pastor Brothers just celebrated his 47th year in full-time ministry dedicated to “God, Country and Children!” One of the original founders of the Religious Right aka Evangelical Right in the late 70’s Dr. Brothers was extremely involved with the Christian Roundtable, Christian Voice, one of 7 Board members of Christians for Reagan, the Council for National Policy, the Senatorial Inner Circle and numerous other organizations dedicated to bring Biblical standards to the forefront of America. He has ministered not only throughout America and Canada, but also several countries around the globe.
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